
Christopher’s in Fall River: A Feel Good (and Eat Good) Story

Surprenant & Beneski, P.C. has been happily supporting local food spots since 2020 by spotlighting a new one each month. As a family business itself that prides itself on community work, the estate planning and elder law firm loves spotlighting other family businesses, especially ones like Christopher’s where service to others goes way beyond food […]

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6 Amazing Women: Ashley Bendiksen

March is women's history month. At South Coast Almanac, we're digging into...
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6 Amazing Women: Louise Bastarache

March is women's history month. At South Coast Almanac, we decided to...
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Get Out of the House! 6 Fun Things For March

In these days before spring really arrives, it's so easy to stay...
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The Beet Goes On! CSA Season Is Just Around the Corner

There’s a national day for everything and February 24 is “CSA Day."...
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5 More South Coast Couples We Love

Last year, we shared our favorite South Coast couples and it was...
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Five Great Valentine Dates on the South Coast

Valentine’s Day is coming up and we asked Rebecca of the Almanac...
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Self Care: South Coast Style

As promised, guest blogger Margaret Bane of BareBoston is back! This time,...
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The Incredible Eva: Guru of Greens

As part of our healthy January series of blog posts, we're sharing...
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Oh, Right! It’s January…Time To Get Healthy

(Or, How To Make Delicious Food with South Coast Tricks) We're pleased...
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