Last year, we shared our favorite South Coast couples and it was the most popular post of the year (check it out here if you missed it). We guess everyone is drawn to a good love match, just like we are. In honor of Valentine’s Day, we continue the tradition this year right here, with 5 More South Coast Couples We Love. A special shout out and thanks to A.J. Marks Jewelers for sponsoring this post! If you’re looking for something for your sweetheart, check out A.J. Marks — they’ll take good care of you.

Justin Tonnessen & Megan Bruce
Together since: 2011
Why We Love Them: We love the patience of this Fairhaven couple. Their courtship was the longest we’ve ever heard of. When mutual friends tried to set them up, they went out for a lunch date in 2009. Then they went on another date in 2010. In 2011, they ran into each other at Cork in downtown New Bedford. Something clicked that night and they’ve been together non-stop ever since.

Howe Allen & Tim Evans
Together since: 2003
Why We Love Them: They bring a sense of adventure to everything they do. On a whim and having never visited Fairhaven before, they decided to drive to West Island because they were looking for a second home and they liked how it looked on a map. Within a month, they were West Island homeowners. Three years later in 2010, they had moved permanently from Boston to Fairhaven. They settled in and together have created new treasured traditions in the community like the annual Picnic on the Lawn (which we adore!) and the Fairhaven Short Film Festival (which we’re going to check out this May). We’re so happy they moved to the South Coast.

Mark & Gayle Medeiros
Together since: 1972
Why We Love Them: They’ve been together for over 40 years since they first met at Bristol Community College but you’d never know it. They still look like two kids in love. Perhaps it’s because they make sure to go out on a date every weekend. That’s pretty impressive (and is perhaps the reason for their longevity). They still enjoy each other’s company enough to work side by side at Slocum Design Studio in Dartmouth (where they help us keep this website up-to-snuff!)

Dave Richardson & Jan Schmidt
Together since: 2014
Why We Love Them: They met when Jan was a guest performer at one of Dave’s weekly blues gigs. They were both “reluctant relationship people” but they liked each other and started following each other’s musical careers. Dave remembers being an audience member at one of Jan’s shows, mesmerized by her and just thinking “wow, look at that!” After that show, they hopped on his motorcycle, went out for sushi and decided to go to see Boyhood at the Cable Car Cinema in Providence. Settling into the leather couches that night, they both realized they had something special.
A detour from the South Coast: Dave says, “When we met, I was planning to move back to Maine. I told her, ‘If I’m moving to Maine, I’m not leaving you behind.'” Sadly, they did move to Maine. Happily, they moved back to New Bedford last summer. Check them out performing together at Fathoms Bar & Grill on February 24 and March 10 or at Tavolo on March 4.

Ashley Payne & Riley Mello
Together since: 2015
Why We Love Them: They’re always thinking of the next big idea. And then making it happen. In November 2015, they made a batch of dog treats made from spent grain left over from Riley’s home beer brewing. Turns out, the treats were pretty darn good. They applied for permits and went into business last spring as French BrewDog Bakery, attending events and farmers markets all over the South Coast. We ran into them at the Fairhaven Farmers Market and fell in love with them and their adorable booth. We won’t be surprised if they open a cafe for humans someday soon. Their Dartmouth home is the experimental base for creating all sorts of funky edibles like kombucha, wine, beer and things you’ve never even considered (like fermented granola, fermented salsa and fermented ginger beer). Keep an eye out for expanded offerings…
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Special shout out to AJ Marks Jewelers in Wareham and Hyannis for sponsoring our Valentine blog posts. Thanks, guys!